'On Ice' Animated Short Film
"After a medically induced coma, Lola wakes up early and finds she's been locked in her basement with a robotic nurse, Kla-ra. After a chilling conversation, Lola feels uneasy at Kla-ra's presence and fights to get upstairs to see her husband who will save her from
Kla-ra's threatening presence."
I had the privledge of animating the eerie robot/nurse character named Kla-ra for few of the shots for this film! 

Below: some work in progress playblasts

Lola - Michaela D'Abate 
Kla-Ra - Phoebe Wall 
Tony - John Morgan 

 Creative Director - Grace Palumbieri 
Project Manager - Matthew Hannan
 Pre-Production Screenwriter - Grace Palumbieri
 Lead Storyboarding Artist - Delie Rowe
 3D PRODUCTION Lead Environment Artist - Alicia Gouws
 Lead Character Artist - Matthew Hannan
 Asset Production - Grace Palumbieri, Alicia Gouws
 Lead Character Rigger - Rachael Wooding
 Assistant Technical Rigger - Jeff Wenz
 Lead Lighting Artist - Grace Palumbieri
 Environment Technical FX - Alicia Gouws

Animator - Matthew Hannan, Delie Rowe, Grace Palumbieri, Ethan Dinnie, Rachael Wooding and Nathan Slegers 

 Branding - Alicia Gouws 
Motion Designer - Kelly Novinda
 Title Designer - Sarah Ariyapperuma

 Editor - Matthew Hannan

Recording Technician - Jeff Wenz
 Sound Production Advisor - Jeff Wenz
 Composer - Oscar Gunn

Social Media Manager - Grace Palumbieri
 Promotional Manager - Alicia Gouws

 Special Thanks to Adrian Bruch and SAE Institute This short film was created through the use of Unreal Engine, Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, Adobe Creative cloud, and used assets from Metahuman Creator and Quixel Bridge

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